Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Centre
More information on the relevant website of the Institute of Geodynamics here.
The Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Centre (HL-NTWC) is a particular unit of the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA-IG), which is the leading earthquake analysis and monitoring Centre in Greece. The HL-NTWC performs tsunami research, education and training, develops monitoring systems and other infrastructures, provides tsunami warning services on a 24/7 basis for Greece and the eastern Mediterranean Sea and participates actively in international communication tests and exercises.
The tsunami warning services are provided not only nationally but also at international level given that the HL-NTWC is one out of four accredited Tsunami Service Providers (TSPs) acting in the frame of the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas Tsunami Warning System (NEAMTWS).
The early history of HL-NTWC goes back to 1990’s but only in 2010 it was officially established by the state while it declared as operational on August 2012.
More information on the relevant website of the Institute of Geodynamics here.